From Software just release a note saying that Elden Ring sold 12 milion units worldwide (1 million in Japan only). 20 days after its release.

The game cost around U$60,00. Which makes it U$720M.

Platforms have a good cut from that. Steam and Sony normally ask for 30% while Microsoft a bit less. Let’s round to 25%. Which makes it U$540M.

Game development is expensive, according to Jason Schereier, it costs around U$10.000,00/month per developer (in USA) to develop a AAA game. Elden Ring had around 6 years of development. But probably not in full production. So let’s say 4 years in full production with 300 developers: 300 * 10.000 * 12 * 4 = U$144M.

Also, they used their proprietary game engine, so nothing to take from it.

We still have U$396M.

Now the marketing. Which usually mimics the same budget of development. So let’s say 100M. Which makes it U$296M.

Then we have taxes and many more other costs I have not idea.

Can we say the game paid itself already? Of course the game will continue selling for years to come.

Please, let me know what do you think.
